Thursday, January 6, 2011

What Is Your Daily Routine?

Get Into A Routine

As humans we are creatures of habit.  We tend to like to stick to pre-established routines and straying from that routine can cause unwanted stress.  Having a routine helps to keep you focused and in tune with your work.  Conversely, not having a routine or set pattern can lead to chaos, missed deadlines, and panic.

Sticking to a routine can help you build your blogging consistency and is also a great way to stay on track towards meeting the goals you have set.

My Daily Routine

  1. Log onto my blogs and check to make sure that they posted without issue.
  2. Check the traffic to the blogs from the day before.
  3. Check referral data to find any incoming links from fellow bloggers.
  4. Read any comments that I have not already seen.
  5. Reply to comments as needed.
  6. View all the blog posts of blogs in my blogroll.
  7. Leave relevant comments on these blogs and any links to similar posts I have written.
  8. Send out a Twitter tweet on new posts 3 times a day.  Auto-tweet in morning when posts go live, then manually in the afternoon and evening (to reach more foreign traffic).  Follow me at @SSmith0911
  9. Research and work up new posts as needed and set to auto-post.
  10. Engage comments left throughout the rest of the day.
  11. Submit excellent cornerstone posts to article marketing sites as needed.
  12. Comment on forums on relevant topics leaving links as appropriate.
  13. Make sure to have a pad of paper in my back pocket throughout the day for making notes and saving post ideas.

Sticking to this routine daily does pay off in the long run, as I am engaging my comments and leaving comments on other blogs and forums to help drive new traffic to my sites.

Do you have a routine that you follow daily?

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